Thursday, 25 February 2016

Possible exam questions about the practicals


Practical Write-Up questions
A Psychological paper has several sections which you need to know about/know what goes in them.
Abstract- A succinct summary of the whole study (AMRC)
Introduction/Literature review- A summary of the research/background to your study
Aim & Hypotheses
Procedure- Describing what you did in your study
Results- A summary of what your results suggest, this should include statistical information where possible (was it significant and what are your values)
Discussion- How do your results fit into the theory you outlined (do they agree or disagree, if so how?) in the Introduction AND what are strengths and weaknesses with your study
Conclusion- What is the overall finding from your research AND how could we improve your study next time

Text Box: You should be able to do this for ALL 4 practicals you’ve done this yearAbstract
Write an Abstract for your Biological practical (4)
Intro/Lit Review
Describe how hormones are linked with aggressive behaviour (4)
Aim & Hypotheses
Outline the aim of your Biological practical (2)
Give a hypothesis for your Biological practical (3)
Describe how you conducted your Biological practical (5)
Outline the results of your Biological Practical (4)
Discuss how the results from you Biological practical relate to theories and studies from the Biological approach (4)
Evaluate your Biological practical (6)
Outline the conclusion of your Biological practical (3)

Identify a change to the methodology of this study which could improve it (4)