Thursday 15 October 2015

Cults - info and paragraph structure


Paragraph structure:

P: 'Psychology can explain obedience/prejudice in cults.' (For later paragraphs, maybe phrase it differently... Psychology can also explain... jazz it up)

Ev: something from a cult that you can use a theory to explain (i.e. some obedience to the leader / some prejudice)

Ex: HOW does the theory explain the behaviour? If you use key terms from the theory, which you should, a brief one sentence explanation then apply them. 
      Then back up the theory with evidence - Milgram (obedience) or Sherif (prejudice) apply the theory - how do the results support the explanation.
      Finally, brief evaluation of the theory/study - give one strength and one weakness, conclude with whether the theory is or is not a good explanation of the behaviour


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